Key Stage 2 MFL Day
On Wednesday 28th February, all KS2 children and staff took part in our annual Modern Foreign Language Day. This year, our focus was on the linguistic diversity of our very own Overton community. Each class had time to explore their unique heritage together and created a beautiful ‘Class Language Garden’ display. Later in the morning, the children worked together to write some Haiku poems about language and diversity. Several children took the opportunity to teach their peers some new language – I learnt some Swedish and Makaton on my visits across the classrooms.
In the afternoon, we came together for an assembly in which children from each year group revealed their multilingual knowledge – several of our children at Overton are bilingual or hear another mother-tongue within their family. The Young Voices choir sang to us in Korean and we shared our work from the morning’s activities. More fun was yet to come; we were so lucky to have some parents join us in the afternoon and share their own language knowledge and experiences. I know the children particularly enjoyed this part of the day; there were so many questions!
A huge thank you to the staff and parents who made the day possible. Well done to the children for really getting involved and making the most of the day. Don’t forget the ‘MFL Challenge’ – I look forward to reading any entries that come my way.
Madame Couch